I have some clarification questions on qtile and I’m wondering about the 
best place to ask for help. Is this it? Or Reddit (appears not)? Or Stack 
Overflow? IRC? My questions are more about what to do/how to do things 
rather than bugs (which should go to the GitHub issue tracker). 

For instance, is there a way to switch to layouts (or windows) 
directionally? In i3 I can switch to the window left of the current focused 
window (regardless of whether or not it’s in the current workspace/group) 
with bindsym $mod+h focus left. Is there a way to do this in qtile? I’ve 
tried lazy.layout.left() and lazy.layout.flip_left() to no avail.

I have other questions too - this is just an example of the sort of 
questions I have. The docs seem very thorough but I cannot always seem to 
find what I want there. 

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