My house Party smiley emoticon
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuntman
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 1st Annual Quad list BBQ at Stuntman's

As Quads, we'll play it by ear.
But we did talk about making it an annual event.
Maybe turn next year into a fund raiser for an international Quad-list
If all the quad-list members who were capable of putting one together
did so, who knows where we could hold an international one?


> In a message dated 14/07/2004 19:46:58 GMT Standard Time, 
> writes:
> It went  very well, Mother Nature provided nice weather, my sister
> as grill  master, all ate their fill, we toasted all who could not be
> there, You,  Stacy, & lil Quad, all got toasted by name.
> W showed along with Andrea  and Houston was up from Indianapolis.
> was unable to find a ride but  wanted to be there. We were joined by
> people with other disabilities and a  few supporters.
> Even Andrea was drinking Mikes Hard Lemonaid.
> We need to  get a rich supporter for an international party!
> Stuntman 
> Aww thank you!!!  It sounds like it was a fantastic day!!!!!!   Are
the BBQs
> going to be a regular thing each year from now on or was it just a 
one of?

> Love Smurf xxx

It's not the fall that hurts.


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