Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Seating

Your report, both on the wheelchair cushion and the ostrich-oil treatment
lights a candle of hope for me and other “wait and see’ers.” Someone must
always lead the way to universal acceptance of any questionable claim on
prosthesis and medications.

Please keep us informed from time-to-time on the progress and evaluation
in your continuing use of these remarkable products. Someone has to pioneer
their evaluation. You’re doing great so far.



On 8/03/04 10:19 AM, "Gale See"


I just received a new cushion on July 30.  I have posted the web site above if anyone is interested in looking at it.  I have only sat on this cushion for a few days but I'm really happy with it so far.  I have been fighting a pressure sores for over four years now, and finally have almost got them healed up.  I'm really hoping that this cushion is going to be the answer.


Some of you might be interested going to the web site I have posted above and reading up on ostrich oil.  I have been using it for the past 10 days and I am amazed at how well it has made me feel.  I have been putting it directly on my pressure sores and the difference is amazing.  Also, the feeling in my extremities since using this oil.  Read about it make your own decision.  I'm convinced it's helping me.

Gale :-)

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