Welcome Don!

Like you ... I'm a C5-6 but function more like a C4-5.  Been a quadette for 25 yrs (this October).

Anything & everything about me is on my site - http:\\www.michaelsons.org

Don't forget to check out the huge list of quads & their locations, injury levels, etc at the extraordinary yet simple site here (arranged alphabetically by 1st names).  Hmmm, I just checked it & it's not working.  I'll ask.

Or THE QUAD LINK http://www.2tim.net/ which has oodles of quads listed.


At Thursday 8/5/2004 03:10 PM, you wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this list!  I've been meaning to get involved for some time.  At
"Access Chicago" last month I got another gentle reminder from one your
finest.  So here I am!

I've been a quad for 34 years from a swimming accident back in 1969.  My
level is C5-6, but function more like C4-5.

I've been blessed with the ability, or the insanity, I'm not sure which, to
go into business for myself.  My company has been helping people to overcome
their disability as it relates to working, going to school, or just
improving quality of life for the past 15 years.  We've done this through
the implementation of computer-based technology and training.  Check us out
at www.assistivetechnologies.com

I'm not trying to sell anything.  I'm just hoping to learn a little bit more
about quadriplegia.  Although, as most of you can concur, we all could
probably write the book!

Best, Don Dalton

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