Hi Smurf,
So sorry to hear about the shoulder blade.  I've fractured my ribs and trying to use the upper body was a [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Take care and get feeling better soon!  Just what were you training to do? :-)

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA  

Hey gang,
How are we all?  I've had another accident, nothing major, but I've fractured my shoulder blade and man does it hurt!!  I'm meant to have it in a sling but being dependant on the upper body it does cause some slight problems!  I done it at training on Tuesday, one of the lads feel dodgy onto my back and his chair hit into me causing the fracture.  The funny thing is- basketball is a non contact sport, or meant to be anyway! hehe
Take care,
Love Smurf xxx

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