Hi Bobbie,
Love is grand!  Thanks for sharing your love story with us.  Congratulations and success for many more.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA

Hi All,
   I can't believe 22 years ago I met Pete. Here's the romantic love story if you wish to know who, when and where.
  Nine years post I went to a dark, cold biker bar to see a childhood friend, Frankie, who starting to bar tend that day. There are no tables at this bar, just stools around a house shoe bar, maybe 25 stools in all. I find an empty stool, move it out of my way and pull up. I didn't recognize anybody, after my eyes adjusted, except Frankie.
  Pete was giving a friend, John, a ride home and they decided to stop in "Hoover's" for a cold one and a hot dog cooked in beer. They were both in between jobs and working as caty's on a local golf course. I was 26 and Pete was 31, neither of us were ever married or in a serious relationship.
  I ended up talking to John, who was sitting next to me all night long, Pete was sitting on the other side of John listening to everything I said.  Pete is extremely shy and asks no questions. John and I start talking about poker, and that they would like me to come and play with them in two days. "Meet us here at 5:30 on Friday and you can follow us to my place to play" I agree without even knowing how to play poker, I figure I'll learn.
  Before Friday rolls around, I end up in the hospital for IV treatment for a wicked UTI. I remember thinking "Oh shot, i was going to meet those guys to play poker, Oh well"
  Back at "Hoover's" John & Pete are waiting for me. John says "I knew she was going to stand us up, she's not going to show" Pete says "No, there something wrong, she really wanted to come" Pete had told me later that he had fell in love with me at first sight and even more after he listen to mine & John's conversation.
  Pete remembered that I said I was taking class's at the Community College, and went there to look for me. After a few days of looking for me he ended up going back to "Hoover's" where he thought I knew the bar tender. Alone without John, Pete gave Frankie his phone number to give to me, and asked if Frankie would tell me to call him at home.
 A few more days later I run into Frankie at the local grocery store parking lot and he gives me Pete's phone number "Bobbie, this guy Pete asked me to give you his phone number, but if it was that other guy you were talking to, I wouldn't be giving you his phone number. Somebody's got to look out for you"
  I was intrigued. No guy had ever done this to me before. I went directly home, it was around 5:00 on a Monday when I called Pete. When he came to the phone, I said "Hi, this is Bobbie, Frankie gave me you phone number. He said you wanted me to call. What do you want?" Pete thought Oh know I'm bothering her and says "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out with me?" I said "OK, when?"  Nervously Pete says "How about Wednesday night?" My curiosity got the best of me and I said "How about tonight, 8:00 "Smile's" Pete agrees.
  I get to "Smiles" a dance club early and sit and wait impatiently. Then it dawn's on me I don't even remember what this guy looks like. Oh well, he'll recognize my wheel chair.
  8:00 on the button Pete stands handsomely next to me and says "Hi, are you Bobbie, my name is Pete" I fell for him right away. We drank and danced and talked till 2:00am And we've been together ever since.

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