Title: Controversy :)
Great point Tim. I wasn’t saying anything about the Last Battle of Nam. That is History so it’ll never be a Last Battle it helped 2 change the present. And the election is over. The public spoke no funny business in Florida a lil in Ohio. But u know we have 2 have a lil controversy from time 2 time :) Just 4 fun!!!

On 11/14/04 10:18 AM, "t crook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Diddo Houston. And Stuntman, you as a Vet should know that the last battle of Vietnam will not occur until every Vietnam Vet passes away. My Dad was sprayed on in Nam, along with many others. And all of those battles from Nam still exist. So to say "The last battle of Vietnam", it is a disgrace to everyone who fought that war. I don't intend to start a new battle here, or to create hard feelings. But the election is over already, let's get over it.

Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I”LL VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN!!!! I’m beyond all the negative things said about him. Look at the things our current President has done and not done. Stuntman I’m not trying 2 start a debate by any means. I’m just going 2 say that we all deserve a second chance. :) He’s a GOOD MAN with GREAT IDEAS!!!!

On 11/13/04 9:02 PM, "Stuntman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Attn: For those not wanting to read anything negative about kerry,
> please delete now,
> Do not read any further
> I wou!  ldn't  want to appeal to your sense of fair play.
> The Last Battle of Vietnam
> November 13th, 2004
> The Last Battle of Vietnam
> It never occurred to me, ever before,
> That our Navy would win the Vietnam War.
> When they took to their boats in this year of elections,
> With the mission of making some major corrections
> I shared their belief, John should not be elected,
> And their view overdue, truth should be resurrected.
> Yet I questioned the course they'd set themselves for,
> Knowing how John was loved by the media whore.
> Ignored and dismissed by the media queens
> Being shrewd, savvy sailors they still found the means
> To reach out to the people, to open their eyes
> To a phony John Kerry and his war story lies.
> With their very first ad, they torpedoed his boat,
> A Cambodian Christmas would no longer float.
> His heroics u!  nraveled,  his stories fell flat,
> Especially that one 'bout his magical hat.
> John called on his lawyers and media whores,
> And threatened the Swiftees with vile legal wars.
> But these warriors kept charging back into the fire,
> And made the folks wonder, "Is Kerry a Liar?"
> Till the question of whether he's telling the truth
> Was still in their minds in the election day booth.
> So the brave Swiftees gave us what we'd not had before,
> They gave us our victory in the Vietnam War.
> Those brave, stalwart sailors, falsely labeled as liars,
> Stood firm and stood tall, kept directing their fires,
> Steadfast, unrelenting, they served once again,
> And defeated John Kerry, these honorable men.
> All Vets can take pride, yes all, not just some,
> That we won the last battle of Vietnam.
> It took far too long to bring an end to our war
> But we did, November Secon!  d, Two  Thousand Four.
> To our Brothers, forever, on that long black Wall,
> You've been vindicated now, one and all.
> Russ Vaughn
> 2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
> 101st Airborne Division
> Vietnam 65-66
> ht tp://www.americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=4010

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