Title: Re: [QUAD-L] I'm done stick a fork in me :)-Defective Issue
Ironic but true. They should let us gimps & crips fight. They can give me 1 of those off road power chairs adapt a couple 60 cal machine guns with grenade launchers a computer navigation system, hahaha maybe a couple cruise missiles 4 good measure and let me loose.

On 11/14/04 6:11 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Isn't it ironic that the military you support will not hire you because you
> and others are defective or undesirable.  They expect you to stay home and
> breed new soldiers.
> The military only accepts those considered desirable and free of defects.  
> They also pay these desirable individuals less than minimum wage and expose
> them
> to conditions that even OHSA would argue as life-threatening.  For that, what
> do they get in return.  You and I must stay home and breed more soldiers.
> Now the animal kingdom thinks much different from their human counterpart.  
> The weak are often sacrificed and the stronger must survive to breed
> off-springs.
> Ironic.... ain't it.
> W
> In a message dated 11/14/04 3:13:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << We'll start these debates when we
> know who the delegates will be. :) Until than as stated 51% voted for George
> W. Bush and with me being an American I respect & honor that. And willing 2
> die for our Democracy >>

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