Title: Wheelie why doesn't Chris's website represent/ New Fans
You’re quite right Diana :) My last  Maybe its not as important as the other info on there. :) :) I put the :) so that everyone would no it was a joking statement. I met Chris for the 1st time last week. And he not only talked about how he made extra money selling products on Ebay. He showed me exactly and while he was showing me. In the course of 15 minutes made over $300.00  Diane there aren’t many quads around that have the extra $$$$ to enjoy our hobbies :) We’re barely making it through life. But a good supporting parent with an abundance of wealth like Wheelies :) :) You could have a few TOYS like a 10 second Drag Van :) Mansion on the 18th hole, Yacht .... Maybe even thinking you were Elmer J Fudge millionaire. We’ll have to get Chris’s email address from Wally and let him know our opinions about this website of his. :) How we’d design it if we were 1 of few quad drag racers in the world :) get rid of that cheesy looking hooker dancing .... Nah keep the hooker ad a few more :):):):) But tell important stuff about the obstacles & barriers crossed. Wally fwd some of this 2 Chris so he’ll see how the FANS feel!!!! :)

On 11/18/04 9:37 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 11/17/2004 4:17:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The only quad drag driver I'm aware of. I think this is important
info. It was my 1st time going to the website and just my opinion. Maybe its
not as important as the other info on there. :)
no, i think he is more interesting than what his van has. i had the pleasure of meeting him a few summers ago at a local track i use to race at pre-injury. i think it would be great to try it one last time. he was full of advice as how to make it happen but his advice was more than my savings, not to mention the damage that can occur to an engine while drag racing, in which my hubby forewarned , he wouldn't change a van engine. anyway...i think new mobility should do an article on him. he's pretty tough to endure that summer heat and l-o-n-g line ups to race again. one might wait an hour for a 10 second adrenaline rush!

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