Title: Good work in fla
That’s great I see when he’s not out fixin elections he does do a little work 4 his constituents. Maybe there is hope 4 that state yet :) ‘ll be down in ft. lauderdale 2 visit next yr, and I had plans of movin somewhere warm in the next few yrs appreciate u all makin it easier 4 me if I do come that way

On 11/28/04 3:53 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 11/28/2004 11:48:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Writing  the Governor of Fla. Is a joke.
Not really.  I wrote a letter to Gov. Bush when I hit a brick wall trying to get supplies through Medicaid.  Within 10 days one of his aides contacted me and I had supplies coming in.  Of course cc'ing the letter to 3 TV stations, 6 newspapers and a dozen legislators may have helped.
C-6 incomplete in FL

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