Title: FW: Great Quotes to Live By

Great Quotes to Live By

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
— Albert Einstein

"If the time you live in does not challange you, invent another time."
— Stefano Benni

"The future comes to us a lot sooner than it actually happens."
— R. M. Rilke

"The mind does not need to be filled like a vase; what it needs is a spark to ignite it, like wood."
— Plutarch

"Nothing exceptional was ever created except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was above circumstances."
— Bruce Barton

"Only dead fish always follow the current."
— Linda Ellerbee

"The fewer our needs, the closer we resemble the Gods."
— Socrates

"If you play at being a genius, you become one."
— Salvador Dalí

"A genius learns only from himself but talent he learns mainly from others."
— Arnold Schonberg

"Just as an inability to read the press was the misfortune of centuries gone by, so economic illiteracy is the misfortune of our time."
— Ezra Pound

"Money is like manure: it's no good if you don't spread it around."
— Francis Bacon

"Do you have anything on economics?" a man asks walking into a bookshop. "Down there," replies the assistant. "Beyond science fiction."
— Anonymous

"Money comes and goes, people are your real wealth."
— Alessandro Riello (entrepreneur)

"A man crushed by his adversary can always get up. A man crushed by conformity is beaten for ever."
— T. Watson Jr.

"Everybody knows that some things are impossible to achieve. Until a simpleton that doesn’t know this comes along and invents it."
— Albert Einstein

"In searching for the truth be ready to come up against the unexpected, because truth is difficult to find and, once found, is astonishing."
— Heraclitus

"An answer is a stretch of road you’ve left behind you. Only a question can point forward."
— Jostein Gaardner

"There are more people prepared to die for their ideals than there are people willing to live for them."
— Hermann Hesse

"Intelligence is invisible to the man who has none."
— Arthur Schopenhauer

"It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice."
— Albert Einstein

"Boredom and dissatisfaction are the triggers before any discovery, big or small."
— Cesare Pavese

"We are constantly faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems."
— John W. Gardner

"Great Spirit, keep me from judging a man before I have walked one mile in his shoes."
— Apache warrior

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."
— Werner Von Braun

"He who has never made a mistake has never discovered anything."
— Samuel Smiles

"If you tell the truth you'll never have to remember anything."
— Mark Twain

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Have  a Blessed:
New Year!
Mike Redmon...

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