Title: Re: [QUAD-L] ....price control
And neither do I Tony... Everyone else is beating them out of something. Why not we get our piece. :)

On 1/10/05 5:12 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 1/10/2005 12:40:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey people,
 I seen this on UPWD website and was impressed and depressed at the same time.
 I just find it funny that you can make a lawnmower on a wheelchair frame with both an electric and gas powered plus a generator and remote controlled for the price of $1599 but you can't get a power wheelchair for under $10,000!
 Once again I get pissed at these gimp pimps for charging outrageous prices for chairs.
 Sorry I had to get it out!

Marko.....this whole system has angered me a long time!!  We bitch about how much it cost for healthcare, while a few price controls that are WAYYYY out of control could bring down cost like crazy.  Selling those motor scooters is a license to rip off medicare....companies send salesmen into nursing homes and sell everybody a scooter, which are marked up 1000%.  I went to a pain doc about my neck one time, and he wnted to see me EVERYDAY....who was going to pay>???  Medicare, of course!!

I feel NO SHAME when i beat the system in my own ways....


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