Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Sci appearances
Cameron agrees U’d fit right in over here Goth Smurf :) NY City is where U need 2B

On 1/16/05 4:47 PM, "Cameron Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A cute Goth....who knew there was a possibility!
and not severe
After living years in NYC, I can say
"very East Village(Goth central)"
you should give it a go...if that appeals
NYUniversity/Washington square is right there
separates the East Village from the West Village at the middle of the island where 5th Ave. starts
what are you studying again?
schools- they got!
life is short- you are young-go, girl,go
regards, Cameron

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday,  January 16, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sci  appearances

In a message dated 16/01/2005 17:39:50 GMT Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Smurf aren’t you in Australia  or England? I thought the Goth look was a New York Fashion Statement!!! :)  just joking I’m sure you look great in all black I bet it makes it easy  going shopping. :) I started classes at Ivy Tech Tuesday theres a whole  group of kids that are into The Goth Culture as you said you are who you  are. I’m sure their parents are thinking differently. And if you were into  “Grunge” that would be cool or if they were into Grunge intentionally  instead of just being the UNDESIRED look  they have.  

I wish I was in Australia - it's been a life long dream!  I'm in  England, about an hour away to the right of London.  The whole Goth look  isn't something that society agrees with here, but to me I feel normal.   There's one place about 40 minutes away called Canterbury, and that's Goth  city!  I'll paste a piccy of me below of me as a Goth, then you can tell  me if I look anything like a NY chick!!!  I think too many kids go Goth  because it's the fashion; that's usually the time I go sporty, then when the  fashion moves onto something else I go back to being Goth.  I can't speak  for everyone, but the Goth image displays me, it's who I am.  One thing I  hate though is when people "follow the fashion" - I change styles to remain  unique! hehe  
 Rubbish piccy I know, but what do you think?!   Bet you never expected ever to see a Gothic Smurf in this lifetime!   
Love Smurf xxx

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