In a message dated 23/01/2005 23:11:48 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hello everyone!  I'm finally back, at least for now.  I quit receiving posts about 6 months ago.  I wrote to Jim about the problem and he said it was the digest having problems.  I couldn't even get re-subscribed to the individual postings.  I really missed all of you and am so happy to be back.  Please cross your fingers I don't get dropped again.  To all you new quads that joined the list while I was in absentia...WELCOME!!
For those of you who were inquiring about my hip problem before I got lost, turned out I have some pretty bad bursitis in my hip.  I have had two cortisone injections which have helped considerably.  Right now I am in the middle of two weeks physical therapy consisting of daily ultrasound treatments.  I go back to the doc Feb. 3rd.  If all is well, great.  If not, he will probably give me another injection.  I have also finally fallen prey to osteoporosis as a result of age as well as quadom!  Another 3 pills a day! UGH!!
Good to heave you back with us Jerre!
Speak soon,
Love Smurf xxx

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