I sent my son to the auto store to find a plastic tee and a 90 degree elbow that would be used for vacuum lines on vehicles.  He could not find a 90 degree elbow so he purchased two plastic tees.  I had him lay two 1000 CC leg bags side-by-side.  We took short pieces of latex tubing and connected to the two bags together.  The tee that is not connected to your catheter, must have a short piece of latex tubing long enough to be folded over and taped to prevent the urine from flowing out the top.  You can also purchase a plastic or rubber cap that fits over the end of the tee from the auto parts store.  I can tell when I have to urinate so, I make sure I tilt myself down so the urine flows downhill as much as possible. I have my leg bags strapped to my shin down by my ankle. Here is a simple diagram.  Jim

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