I agree that it is no big deal but it is not a life style that is chosen.  I'm sure if they could chose they wouldn't chose to be gay and deal with the adversity that comes with it.  I'm not gay so I can speak for those who are.  I'm just speaking from what I have learned from having gay friends.  They have said more than once that they wish they weren't gay because of what they deal with on a daily basis from society.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 1:18 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] RE: Queer & disabled

What is the big deal about being Gay and disabled. I've had many emails that are the same words, do you not know how to copy and paste and why not quit repeating what someone else has already said.
I'm sure there are many disabled people that may be gay but that is the lifestyle they choose.
As for this movie business, if this is how Clint Eastwood really feels..it will come back to haunt him.
My son John who had the stroke was told by his Dr that " he would rather die than live as a quad" but my son believes that would be suicide and chose to live. God gave him another chance to recover and become a Christian. Last year he became a Christian and was baptized in the local rehab's heated pool.
Carol in KY

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