Hi Dave,
You've come 26 years "stuck in this body," so I'm wondering if you've had time to make an informed opinion about assisted suicide?  If you have would you mind sharing it with the List.  I wish you well.  You will remain in my prayers.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA 

dave headman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
my sci anniversary was feb 19th my 26th year being stuck in this body.
i've heard a lot of you weigh in about the movie "million dollar baby"
i think the message is right on the money. i think i am the only list member
thats actually in a nursing home, i see a lot of people that need a visit
from clint eastwood. when you have family, friends,spouses and or a
job your outlook on life might be a little brighter.
and if i hear that bullshit line "everything happens for a reason" or "gods
will" my head will explode.

dave headman
c4 26yrs post

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