In a message dated 07/02/2005 19:32:17 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My name is Sharon I have a twin and have Cerebral
Palsy happened during
birth I use a electric wheelchair to get around most
of the time My twin
Sister Karen is okay,
But she was the first born. My mom kept telling
doctors there were 2 but
they could only hear 1 heart beat so here I am.  I
Believe that god put me
this earth like I am for a good reason.
Hi Sharon,
You was obviously meant to be put on this Earth, despite the doctors not being able to trace your heartbeat while in the womb!!!  Are you and Karen close?  It is strange how only one of you were "hit" with CP, although I'm a big believer in everything happening for a reason!
Love Smurf xxx

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