When I look at ADA concerns and modifications to buildings I keep an open mind and look at the big picture.  I have been in construction for 25 years and I realize that it's not always as simple as throwing a ramp in a building to make it accessible.  If I'm able to get into the building at all I'm happy even if I have to go through the kitchen or some other roundabout way.  I also understand that some businesses, especially if they are located on the second floor, cannot always afford to make their business assessable for us.  I live in Duluth, Minnesota and I cannot go into every business so, I only go to the businesses that I'm able to without any complaining.


My biggest pet peeve is with people that abuse handicapped parking.  It really turns my crank to see somebody drop of a handicapped person in the front of a building at the mall and then go park in a van accessible parking spot with a little car.  Obviously, it also turns my crank when I see somebody park in a handicapped spot and get out of the vehicle and run into the store because they are able-bodied.  I have confronted a few of these people and for the most part they know they are wrong but they did very angry and smart mouthed to the point where one called me a F***ing moron.  Since, more handicapped/disabled people are able to drive because of the technology, I think that the ADA should specify that all handicapped parking is van accessible.  I have seen handicapped spot's that are not as wide as my van.



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