John I'm going through the same thing right now.
I passed out at my computer for just a few seconds and I've had to keep tilting in my chair all day because I keep getting dizzy, ears ringing and chilling, it really sux but I think I've caught a bug everyone in the house had and my doc told me I could be dehydrated so I'm  trying to drink a lot of fluids.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 08/08/05 20:05:30
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] ohio is having conf.
I'm in Ohio. Cincinnati to be more exact. I intend to be at this conference. I get 35 hours a week through Medicaid Waiver. If they cut me to 14 hours a week, I'll be shopping for nursing homes again. I'm not one of you that is mostly healthy. After 30 years as a quad, I'm having some rocky times. Yesterday, after my attendant left I passed out until my attendant returned to set me over. My blood pressure will go high then for no reason I can understand, it crashes. I've been waking up at 3 and 4 am. and not being able to return to sleep. At this moment I am dripping sweat on the right side and completely fine on the left. These little discomforts began about 6 years ago. An MRI showed that my spine hadn't been completely severed. It was torn in 3 places and I have what to me appear to be spinal cysts , but have a name I can not pronounce or spell. (syringomelelea) I know I misspelled it.
When I was younger, I thought I could keep up with these two bit bean counters. I have never seen a time when the cut backs and the rumored cut backs are so mean spirited and the intent was so cloudy.
They claim that medicaid costs are ratcheting up exponentially. Then they give tax break of $7000 to everyone that earns over $200,000. I am told the states won't cover drug costs next year and that was the part that this state claimed was going up exponentially.
Unfortunately, I live in a republican area of a republican state in a republican country and I'm a damn socialist. None of them return my calls after they find that I'm a steeenkeeng liberal. lol 
I know I'm babbling. I'll take my meds and behave.
In a message dated 8/8/2005 8:19:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 8/8/2005 6:02:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Viamar64 writes:
no, ma'am, I get that many hours on medicaid waiver, when I was married, I had 60 hours a week, then when I got divorced, they immediately put me on 24/7, it's been that way almost 8 years.  Like I said, I don't think it will last..........
wow! i didn't think they would allow 24/7. i get 56 and trying for a couple more a day. i'm on the medicaid waiver also. do you live in ohio?

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