When I had my mitrofanoff procedure, the doc suggested a chait catheter.  It is connected to my large intestines. I use an enema bag and hang it on my shower curtain rod (my toilet/shower chair is in there the bars in the tub help me w/my transfer) anyhow, I put in 500cc's of saline and it pushes my stool through.  I still use the magic bullet to get myself started while I wait for the water to come through but it isn't necessary.  It is so fast by only taking about 20 mins. If it looks like there is more, I dump in another 250.  It has made my life so much easier.
Im going Friday to see if the mitrofanoff can be fixed.  I'll let everyone know when I get home.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] bowel mgmt

FYI, I ran into some difficulty when my local supplier started using a knock off of the Magic Bullet.  It had the active ingredient, but did not work effectively for me.  In fact, it ended up causing severe bowel difficulty.  I tried Enemeez and even had my doctor prescribe a liquid enema using 30 mg of bisacodyl and neither of these work.  I was relegated to paying the high price when the Magic Bullet was not being produced and which are happy to see it finally in production once again.  I guess I am addicted.  Lately I have been using what my doctor prescribed (a small dose of go lightly [spelling]) and it has shortened my bowel program considerably.  I had to experiment with the dosage, but finally have my program much more under control and am able to get back out into the public more often.

t crook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I started using a brand named Good Neighbor Pharmacy. They are called Bis A-Lax. The active ingredient is Bisacodyl, the inactive ingredients are cetyl esters wax, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and lanolin. They have consistently trimmed time off my program. I don't know if the lanolin has helped. Or just the fact that chronic use of anything and the body will get to use to it. Thus, will eventually not work as well as it did.

Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
can't hurt
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] bowel mgmt

   I am curious about the Magic Bullets you guy's talk about.......I have been using ducolax or walgreens brand suppositories for 8 years......Do you guy's think Magic Bullets work better or may be better because as you mentioned they are water based ??  I'm wondering if I should try them.
                                 Thanks,      Dan

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