It's definitely skin against cushion.  Strange where it is thought.  It's hard to even try to describe where it is.  It's more towards the pelvic area but not a highly boney area.  I don't get it.  I'm going to try to find a way to get a roho paid for.  Any ideas?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] pressure sore on butt

Hi Stacy,
Is the sore in a area where skin touches skin?  or is it where skin touches the cushion?  Keeping it dry should help if it's skin against skin.  A ROHO would help if it's skin against the cushion.  I hope you can get it started healing before school starts.  Stay strong.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA     

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey guys,
I have a pressure sore right on the inside of my thigh at the top. I had a pressure mapping but no pressure shows there so can't get Medicare to cover a different cushion. School starts soon and really can't afford to take off.  Has anyone healed a sore while being up between 6-8 hours a day?  Would a roho help?  Thanks.  I am so sick with myself over this.  I'm trying to stay off of it in my current situation but it's hard when I live alone.
Thanks guys,

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