Just thought I'd share what info I have on the clean-up
My nephew is currently volunteering in W. Jefferson La, I have spoken with him on 2 occasions since going down there from Baltimore Md. They are currently staying in an evacuated hospital, going out during the day with armed escorts to do what they can. He was emotional, as this was I think a bit more than he had bargained for.  He said the people he has met, and talked with are grateful for the help. A few of the guardsmen that are there keeping the peace are ones that have returned from the war, a few remarked how bad things were down there as to compared to over there. Initially when my nephews group arrived, (187 total), DR's, nurses, EMT's, paramedics, and ambulance drivers they all had a deep desire to make a difference, however after 24 hours 68 went home, saying they had no idea it would be that bad. Most volunteered for 30 days but those that have remained said they will stay as long as they feel needed. 

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