Dan, have you put any thought into getting a super pubic or the mitrofanoff that a few of us have gotten?  That will certainlty bring down your chances of infection.  I was just curious.  That is the reason why I decided for the mitrofanoff.  I wanted to get rid of the Foley and at the same time don’t want anything connected to me.  Event though it didn't work for me the first time I am getting it again and don’t let that freak you out.  there's always a small chance and I am the unlucky one it happened to but I hear it would be worth it in the long run to do it again.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:41 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Lori, and others with indwelling type caths.

     Lori, I know you had quite a problem with a PROTEUS infection. I had a very serious PSEUDAMONAS infection that put in into the hospital for 1 week on IV drugs about a year and a half back, that my Urologist said he knew about but wanted to let it go, to see if I could get better on my own.....Well it really messed me up and destroyed much of my white blood cells back then. NOW this Urologist say's I must go to my family Doc for all bladder infections. Well my family Doctor just told me I got Pseudamoas AGAIN Today ! He wants to try and treat it with ORAL anti-biotics -- Levequin.  Do any of you know if the more serious types of bacteria can be treated like that or do they require IV Drugs ?? I'm Lost and confused on this...as my Doctors seem unsure themselves. I just gave blood today to see if my blood cells are messed up again............   Thanks,        Dan

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