  Non-medical tasks could include a boat load of things.  One lady I know who has 12 hr's a day help, has her 2 PCA's help with all sorts of hobbies. The one did a small herb planter on her deck and they tend to that a day or so a week.  The other lady, who is apparently really good at doing hair (cutting and setting) does her hair each week. She swears that having her hair done, and makeup done helps keep her depression at bay. They do all sorts of little things like that for her.  Everything from being her personal shopper, then gift wrapper to card and letter writing. They have rearranged her furniture, and did light housekeeping. Pet walking (which she says is another way got her to get outside each day, even thought she is unable to physically take care of her dog).  I have also seen listings in our church, for companion's. Disabled and elderly people looking for someone to just come and spend an hour or so a week, just talking sharing time together.  Maybe even someone willing to attend a church service with them.

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