Hi WW,
I'm so glad to hear that your Christmas was so nice.  I wish you continued happiness and peace in 2006!

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

andrea murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ho Everyone,
 I really had a good Christmas.Hector a friend from Purdue came over on Friday and gave me a Native American bracelet.
Jeff came over on Christmas Eve and he was wearing his cowboy hat. He made me dinner and had a present for me.Musk Delight perfume. Jeff put in new speakers on my computer. He told me to put a D! VD move in so he can check the speakers. So I put on Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation.Now I have stereo WOW! We end up watching the whole move and laughing are guts out. Today on Chrisymas I want to my parents and I have so many gifts. All my family was there. I hope everone had a Merry Christmas Too! Wheelchair Warrior

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