When I went for my dr. appt. at the hosptital there wasn't any parking.  I found one on the end so my lift could go down.  Some jackass parked next to me so I had to get a stranger drive it out for me.  The thing is the guy made his own spot on the end bc there wasn't any parking lines. Thank God he was nice but you never know what could of happened.  I even have a sticker on the side of my van asking for courtisy bc of the lift.  I left a not so nice note on his car.  I usually take two spots if I have to so I don't have to worry about the lift.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] NJ Handicap parking

In a message dated 2/27/2006 4:54:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
can  practically do 10mph, I could care less what spaces are available.  Disabled parking spots are truly for people who have much difficulty getting from the car to the building.  I am a quad and am very proud not to use disabled parking spaces because I don't need them.  I am sure everybody has an opinion on disabled spaces but pregnant women, for the most part, have acceptable mobility and dont need em.

I picture somebody who can barely with a walker/cane walk as eligible for disabled spaces!
I too have a power chair and a van w/a lift. My main concern & only really, is that when I return to it, I can get IN IT! I park away from all & take 2 slots so I'll have plenty of room. My Mom is on oxygen and she and others like her NEED those slots!

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