I still have a ways to go with that I hope but I fear that she will soon be in a wheelchair herself and I just wish that I could do more to physically help her.  It kills me to think about it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] parents getting older

Dear Stacy,
Not all nursing homes are the 7th layer of hell. You can check on them. Talk to people that live in them. Some have really great people both working there and living in them. I do feel for you. I do hope you resolve the problem in a way that your mom is comfortable with too.
In a message dated 2/25/2006 2:26:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I  have had my Mom up here the last few weeks.  My brother commited suicide and it was really a stressful time.  I also have another brother who is bi polar in prison and my oldest brother is self absorbed and doesn't call or talk to anyone.
All that aside, my Mom is physically not doing well.  She is only 54 but has had a stroke on one side and broke her hip on the other side.  She can't get around very well and has a very hard time getting into my van.  I'm concerned about her when she gets older.  I’m the responsible one out of the kids and I have always thought that I could never let my parents go to a nursing home.  If her boyfriend goes before her or they split up, then I'm at a loss as to what I would do to help her.  I can't do anything for her and it eats me up.  When she had her stroke, I was the only one that flew down to Florida.  While I was there, I got her house in order by cleaning, organizing and making things easier for her.  Now that I'm in the chair, I cant do those things for her and it eats me up inside to think she'll end up in a nursing home.
Has anyone else had any thoughts like that?

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