Thanks dave. I am truly the lucky lady! He makes my life better in ways that I never thought possible. Thanks for the support.

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Amy,
You both are lucky to have each other to help make each of you lives better.  May you both continue to be a part of each others lives for many more years ahead.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA
Amy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
June 3rd is the 4th aniversary of quad-dom for my friend Silas. I know this is always a hard time for him so help me make this a good day! I know a bunch of people who are thrilled for every day that they have had with him since his injury. It has not been easy the whole way...but for me it has been worth it. I could not imagine him not being in my life. So Silas....Instead of saying happy anniversary...since I don't think that is appropiate, Think of how far you have come. From being sucidal and depressed, from being bed ridden and sick,  to being a successfull business man and farmer. A wonderful father, son, brother and friend.Thnaks for the past 4 years as far as I am concerned.
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