Do you have a cervical spinal cord injury and live in the United States?  If so, you qualify for the following research survey.


Arm and Hand Function Research Survey                                        

The Reeve-Irvine Research Center is conducting a research study to determine more details about the arm/hand impairments experienced by men and women with cervical spinal cord injuries and their knowledge about surgical options to increase function.  The information gained from this study will be used to help scientists and medical doctors develop experiments addressing these issues, with the aim of developing therapeutic treatments for people living with SCI.  For more information please contact Dr. Kim Anderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 949-824-0056.  All information will be kept strictly confidential.


Please pass this information on to fellow people living with SCI!

Best wishes,





Kim Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Adjunct Professor
Reeve-Irvine Research Center
Dept. of Neurological Surgery
843 Medical Sciences Court
Hewitt Hall, Room 1113
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-1385
Ph. 949-824-0056
Fax. 949-824-0057

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