I hate when the damn seat deflates. I don't like the jay seat because in 2 hours it feels like contoured cement. The roho is tested every day when my aid drives it into my room. She cvan feel it, I can't.
In a message dated 9/13/2006 3:11:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have been on the roho for about 31 years, I first had a gel cushion although it was not Jay.  I did try to Jay cushion for a short time, but did not feel as comfortable.  I go by Robo only I have had a number of breakdowns because it went flat.  I didn't know it was flat, of course.  It should have some system to let you know when it is losing the air, since we cannot feel.
You just have to be careful and check.  I oftentimes look at my full-length mirror to see if I am sitting straight and if the cushion looks full     

What do the rest of you to do safe check your Roho?
  I was getting a lot of break downs from my Jay Cushion but now since they
give me this Deep Contour Jay Cushion I have had no break downs what so
ever and I sit every bit of 10 hours a day in my chair taking the very important
weight shifts every 2 to 2 1/2 hours in between for 15 to 18 minutes. It's been
6 years now since I got this new Deep Contour Jay Cushion.

~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i'm extremely active but don't transfer and have tried all cushions but the mapped one... and so far the roho is best...next month makes 8 years on roho...

Well....I think that the Roho cushions give you better protection against skin breakdown if you are at high risk. These cushions have two drawbacks....the first being they will puncture and need to be refilled occasionally, the second is if you can transfer they make it harder. 
The Jay gel cushions offer easy transfers, and are maintenance free besides an occasional wipe down. They give good skin protection as am nine years into my injury with no buttocks breakdowns.
In short if you need ultimate protection on your but and dont care about the downsides a roho is for you. If you are  more active or have more function a gel will meet your needs.

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