Congratulations on your 8th anniversary.  I'm so pleased you're getting to spend the evening with your family cooking and that your wheelchair is back from the shop, especially with your special day tomorrow.  We have to look at things as positive and be glad each thing is behind us.
Sometimes the years roll slowly when we are having difficulties.  I don't think anyone remembered my 32nd the year, unfortunately that is normal I think.  Everybody has so many things going on in their own lives. 
I hope you have a wonderful evening cooking your gumbo.
We have something in common.  Sunday  will be my 8th year.  It doesn't seem like that many years have gone by in one sense,,and in another,,the years have lasted forever  I guess it is how we look at them.  I try to look at life in a positive way,,no matter what is going on,,after all we are still alive, and being with family.
My oldest son drove in this morning traveling from Ft Wayne on his move to Lake Charles, La.  We are having all the kids over tonight and having gumbo.  It is the first time we have all been together in a year.  I am wondering if they remember what the date is ???   Anyway,,got my chair out of the shop on Thursday  just in time to cook !!!

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