Hi ya'll,
I have an SP too. And I have that problem about the catheter coming out on the change dates my doctor does( Usually every 4 weeks or once a month) because what is happening is your body is growing around the catheter trying to close the hole or you can say the body is attaching itself to the hose its trying to heal itself. And it will bleed some especially when you rip it out. but if you dont stop bleeding you need to go to the hospital, but usually it will only bleed a lil bit.
It's easy to put back in because you reopened the hole again. 
I see my urologist on the 16th.
Hope this helps..

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Quadius,

My problem is the opposite. The new cath slides in real easy but getting the old one out is the problem. Funny but I'm also seeing my urologist this month, on the 30th. I too shall report my results.

Dan V

At 01:08 PM 11/13/2006 -0800, B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\) said something that elicited my response:
Over the last six months I have had difficulty getting my catheter into my super pubic, once I even had to go down to a 20 French for a few weeks.  Right now I am still using a 22 and it does require me to twirl it as well as putting a little more force behind it than we used to have to use.  I will be talking with my urologist on the 29th, so perhaps I can get back with you after that appointment.  I have a cystoscopy scheduled to remove some of the bladder stones I have developed over the last few years.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Gang,

I've had a SP for 2 years now. I change the cath (18 French) every 3 weeks. Lately, it is becoming more and more difficult to remove the old cath. I always make sure the balloon is completely deflated and If it doesn't slide out easily, like it used to, I have my aide give it a twirl. Well, last night nothing worked and my aide was afraid to pull too hard so I said give it to me and I yanked it out. It bled some but the new one coated with KY Jelly slipped right in.

My question to you fellow SP users is what do you think is going on? Why is it getting more and more difficult to remove the old cath and still so easy to insert the new one?

Dan V

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