Dear Bobbie,
My only advise is to try to take the least you can to get along. I know we are 
all addicted to something for spasms. Pain pills are an addiction you can fight 
with the rest of your life. The side effects are nightmares in themselves. I 
know the pain your dealing with and Hydrocodone only works when it is not to 
bad. I wish you the best of luck.


In a message dated 11/25/06 14:44:41 Eastern Standard Time, Bobbie299 writes:
Hi All,
    I'm have more and more pain from my syrnix, weakness and unbearable pain in 
my left arm. I'm going to see my rehab Doctor Friday Dec. 1 for a skin check on 
my butt and options with my syrnix. 
  Any advice out there? Any do's or don'ts? 
It hurts the most when I turn on my right side. I can't turn on my right side 
because of my pressure sore on my right side AND because of my urostomy pouch 
on my right side. I also get terrible pain in my left arm when I life my upper 
body up with my floor trapeze so that Pete can boast me up in bed.
  Also, dose anybody have a really good web site for syringomyelia?
   Help ~ Bobbie

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