I tried that one the last few years, always seem to give it up for lent.


In a message dated 12/20/06 16:15:30 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi Dillon,

I am taking the, "Be Nicer to Others in Your Life," idea as a concept that I'm 
making into my New Year's Resolution this year.  My life will be better because 
of it.  Take care and stay strong.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Dillon Ewa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Being nice and considerate to one another doesn't cost a dime and yet is more 
valuable than most gifts one receives.  A smile, and yes even a phone call can 
do wonders for someone's self-worth.  To be appreciated, to be missed means a 
lot to me and all of us and especially those feeling kind of down and alone.  
Sounds like a good idea.


kaye allard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think that phone chain idea is great.  A friend of the family has been 
sitting for months waiting for a hip replacement.  She called me the other day 
with a raspy voice from dehydration because she hadn't been drinking.  She 
wanted to limit trips to the bathroom.  It was a shock to hear that.  She 
should have been in a hospital, getting adequate food, drink and assistance.  I 
got my mom to call her, my mom called her family, and now she's in the 
hospital- AND she has a pressure sore.  She could have wasted away to nothing 
if my mom didn't call her family.  She's very stubborn AND doesn't have enough 

On 12/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
A general act of kindness, once a month, once a week, once a day.  Think of the 
effect on your fellow mankind.  Random acts of kindness, can be so rewarding. 
Can you imagine holding a door open for a TAB, and smiling?  Perhaps, a peer 
counselor.  There are always a need.  Stuck at home?  Start a telephone chain.  
Once a day. Once a week, you just call and say hi.  You call just to make sure 
the person is ok.  It doesn't hurt, and seldom costs.
Help out at your local elementary school.  Teach a kid to read.  Teach a kid to 
add and subtract.  Who knows, ya might be teaching a future President.
A Happy New Year, don't have to be prosperous if you are healthy.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/19/2006 10:06:10 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I'm trying to make some good New Year's Resolutions for 2007 and I was 
wondering what everyone else is planning to do? We all know the standard 
resolutions such as eating healthy and exercising more but I wanted to see if 
there were any creative ideas out there. What's new for you in 2007?

Hope you have a Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year!


Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

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