We always put 10cc in mine also......10cc is not a large size and less can get 
pulled out easier, My doc said a 10cc can hold 12cc easily with no problems if 
one desires a bit more in it.                                Dan

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:      Dave,
  I usually have 10 cc in my balloon also.  On my last visit to the urologist, 
they only put 6 cc of water into the balloon.  I think my doctor decreased the 
water to 6 cc because I was having bladder spasms.  The doctor prescribed 
Detrol for the spasms, but I never took it.  Five days later, I pulled my 
catheter out by mistake and had to go to the emergency room.  My husband and I 
were out of town at the time and had to actually find a hospital.  My urologist 
said I had to get there within two hours.  Once at the hospital, they replaced 
my catheter and put 10 cc of water in the balloon.  I haven't had any problems 
since. Now I wonder if they were putting more than 10 cc of water in .

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