I'm sorry I respomnded so slowly. Sleeping a lot. Thank you all very much
-----Original Message-----
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

Hi All,
I am not sure if my emails are going through in response to this thread, but I 
sent along two links to sites where you can read books on your computer.  One 
is www.knowledgerush.com  and the other is www.pagebypage.com.
Let me know if this works, if it goes through, if anybody gets this...

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi John,
This Site provides free downloads of talking books through the Texas Talking 
Book Program.  
Contact them to see what you can do to get eligible.  I hope this helps.  Stay 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Naomi is right and has hit a sore point with me. Yea, I can move both arms but 
my hands do not possess the dexterity needed to read and flip pages in most 
books with any degree of comfort. I fumble through books I have to read but I 
haven't read a book for fun in years. The books on tape is ok if you like that. 
I do not. I can't just flip to a page, it is a struggle and I think something 
should be done. I have read where some books may be made available on cd. I 
have not seen any books on cd unless someone is reading to me again. I have a 
distinct feeling that most books being printed today are being printed from 
cd's and electronic media. I just don't know who to contact. I would so love to 
read a book for entertainment purposes again. On my last trip to the library I 
looked for some filthy paperback novels and couldn't even find one on tape. 
I have this feeling that the solution to my problem is going to cost me money. 
-----Original Message-----
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

You might try a mouthstick to turn the pages on your book stand but that has 
pitfalls also.  A company also makes an automatic page turner but I have not 
had experience with it.  The library of congress has a program of books on 
tapes but it is antiquated as they are updating their technology and trying 
pilot programs.  My local library has started offering books that you can 
download on the Web.  Its catalog could be better but it gives me more options. 
 Check with your library.  I recently completed Shadow Divers my robertkurson 
and enjoyed it very much.  It is a true story is about a German U-boat laying 
off the coast of New Jersey.  Have you read anything good lately?  Dan T.

I am having a dilemma.  I was an avid book reader before I became a 
quadriplegic due to Transverse Myelitis.  Now I am in a dilemma as to how do I 
manage to read a book.  I have a book stand, but it is virtually impossible for 
me to turn the pages.  I have looked on the Internet for page turners, but I 
haven't found any that are suitable for my need.  This is really driving me 
crazy, especially since there are so many things I need to read.  I would like 
to know how anyone else manage to read a book.  For novels, I get books on 
tape, if they're available, but some things I need to read, do not come on a 
tape.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

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