no i don't have it but my chiropractor does....he had weight-loss and was 
straining his marriage..but meds worked it out...
  it doew seem typical symptoms of SCI, especially new injuries
  best wishes! 

Jessica Ann Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  hi all --

i just received a call from the doc after having some blood work done 
last week. apparently i have hypothyroidism -- or an underactive 
thyroid. they told me my levels are abnormally low. there's a small 
chance it is a lab error but most likely not. i was just reading 
about hypothyroid online and found that i have many of the symptoms 
which i had always thought were due to my SCI. for example: fatigue, 
weakness, increased difficulty losing weight, hair loss, COLD 
INTOLERANCE, depression, irritability, memory loss, abnormal 
menstrual cycle, and decreased libido.

so my question is -- has anyone else been diagnosed w/ 
hypothyroidism? and could it be related to SCI? i've been told in 
most cases it is easily treatable w/ medication so i hope i fall into 
that category. i'll find out more tomorrow morning when i go to the 


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