No, never had a pump.  That is why I only use orally delivered pain meds.  I 
can cut back a little anytime.  You're lucky it wasn't worse, because it can 
get very bad going cold turkey.  I'm happy you made it through.
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
  Texas, USA

~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
       Curious if any of you with pumps ever requested the morphine be taken 
out? I did that this last Thursday and it was an unbelievably overwhelming and 
rough weekend. They didn't 'actually' warm me of the withdrawal symptoms but 
having been a patient this long common sense told me there would be some. I was 
on 1mg for 24 hours, not a lot for most, but 88 pound body it apparently was! 
Anyway the morphine wasn't doing anything but causing major tummy troubles so I 
wanted to decease it. 
     Friday was fine. Friday night turned into hell. My legs were twitching 
uncontrollably, not caring who or what they hit. There was excruciating leg 
pain, as if my muscles were literally contracting more each second. Around 6 am 
after being up almost 18 hours, I had my first sneeze attack, weird I know! 11 
TIMES! I got out of bed and the legs quit twitching because of the pressure. I 
was extremely weak, nauseated and sleepy. Nothing seemed to keep my mind busy 
enough. So I went outside and the sneezing took over, 12, 15, sometimes 8 in a 
row. Heart rate and blood pressure were elevated and no appetite at all. Now I 
know why coke addicts are so thin! Every other sip was coming up. If I hadn't 
had left over oral baclofen i may not have made it.  Moods were up and down and 
weird too!
     Saturday night wasn't any better. My legs were even worse on jumping. I 
was hot then cold, my nose was stopping up. Everyone thought I might end up in 
the hospital as no one was getting sleep. I was up every 20 minutes until I 
finally just let my legs jump until they stopped. Sometimes an hour would pass 
and I would settle down and sleep.
     Sunday morning didn't come fast enough! Those of you who know me KNOW i 
don't get out of bed early and I was in my chair by 7:30am. So I laid in my 
chair around the house, yard and anywhere there was someone awake! Around 11am 
I laid down on the bed and my legs hardly moved! WOHOO! But after a fast 45 
minute nap, I woke up with the worst headache Ive had since they put my halo on 
in 98!!!!! Right back up, and it settled with Tylenol.
     So I repeated Saturday on Sunday with a stopped up nose. Then bed time at 
7, hopping from beds, hard one to soft legs laid there and cramped but 
no twitching. So it was peaceful. This morning I was awake at 6am again but in 
chair by 830am. I'm really weak today, very alert and doing better. Plan on 
giving my doctor's office three shades of hell on Wednesday!
     So word to the wise, be well prepared if you go off morphine without 
slowly decreasing it. Sorry to babble just want to warn anyone heading that way!

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