Hope your wife is feeling better soon, Dave.  I'll add your family to my 

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Welcome To Shit Creek ~ Sorry, We're Out of Paddles!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 12:59 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] out on good behavior

  took my wife to the  bighouse yesterday from acute chest pain.  the doc 
thinks maybe a mild heart attack brought on by my a/h kids' treatment of each 
other and wife's misguided expectation that their disharmony was a result of 
her bad parenting.   she  seems ok now and is home looking after my dis/ab ass 
and divorcing her emotions from my kids' shitty treatment of each other, due to 
absolutely no fault of my sweet other half OR my parenting.   my kids are 
wonderful, don't get me wrong, BUT, kids should NOT live with mom and dad after 
they bring a street bitch home and then spawn a drug damaged yet beautiful 
grandson  Dominick Boyer O'Connell no matter how much we love them or how cute 
and innocent he is.  just thought i'd update on my present circumstances if 
you've been following my seemingly wonderful existence.  none of us is more 
than a heartbeat away from hell, or..... heaven.     sad but true.
  Dave Visit My Home Page

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