Hi Mark,
  As they say, ''No good deed goes unpunished.''  Right now just telling your 
son that you love him, then letting your actions tell him it again, will get 
you both through this together!  Stay strong.
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
  Texas, USA 

RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Hello People,
  I’ve had a very interesting couple days.
  First off I’ve had this care giver who is my ex and mother of my child since 
I’ve been injured.
  She’s always been a drama magnet but last night was craaaaaazy!
  She used to live here but moved to try to make it on her own but still come 
over and do her job every day and living at her boy friends house. Well they 
had a break up recently and about a month ago. It took her about a week to fall 
in love with this ex con and he was a complete stranger to all of us including 
her. Well being the nice guy I let them move in until they could afford to get 
a motel. Last night they start drinking and she could never handle alcohal 
which is one reason I parted with her. I look out side and he’s sitting in the 
four runner I bought for her and she’s holding a bat poiting at the road and I 
could tell she was telling him to hit the road because he was acting stupid but 
hell so was she. I go out and tell her to drop the bat and work this out like 
civilized people at my house so she dropped it and I went back inside. I had my 
10 yr old nephew visiting and a couple other teenage friends of my son were 
here and I didn’t want no drama around. I was in
 the house about 5 minutes when the door flew open and he was gathering his 
belongings and he was fixing to leave but she’s behind him smacking a bat in 
her hands telling him “yeah you better get your shit and get out” and just 
instigating him and he’s a big man that’s been in prison lifting weights and 
she’s smacking a bat in her hands so I told her again you better put the bat up 
and he said “yeah you better put it up before I take it and beat your ass with 
it” and she said “bring it on tough guy” and he dropped his stuff and came at 
her and she planted the bat across his head by his ear and it sounded like a 
water mellon and he dropped like a led zeppelin right in front of my chair but 
wasn’t knocked out some how and he got on his knees and was holding and shaking 
his head and my 10 yr old nephew is 5’ away from all of this with fear and 
shock in his eyes so I told him to run out side and I went with him and dialed 
911 and the police showed up and he denied she hit him
 and I couldn’t press charges on her unless he did and get this, I couldn’t 
force them to leave because I said they were staying here so I needed to evict 
  After it’s all over no one goes to jail but they did leave and they were 
taken by the police in different cars and dropped off at the same place. 
  This morning a friend we have let them stay the night and when she woke up 
her car was gone and so were they.
  I’ve never ever been scared of nothing but seeing my little nephew right 
there scared me because I thought this man was fixing to go crazy in my house.
  My police friend tells me today he did 14 yrs in prison for cutting off his 
wifes ring finger to take the ring back!
  If they stay together my son’s mother is going to get hurt and he’s 15 now 
and last night really messed with him and I’m lost as to what to tell him 
except I love him.
  My night!
  Mark Jackson


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