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From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:05 PM
Subject: End Aerial Gunning -- Support the PAW Act!

 Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund


 <> Stop Aerial
Gunning. Sign the petition today!
Aerial gunning of wolves to artificially boost game populations is brutal,
inhumane and unnecessary.

 <> Urge your
Representative to support legislation to put an end to this horrible

 <> Take Action

Help us reach our goal of 40,000 signatures by Labor Day!

Time is limited -- we need as many people to sign on as possible! Please
forward this message to everyone you know who cares about wildlife!

Dear Angelique,

Alaska's brutal practice of aerial gunning has already claimed the lives of
at least 670 wolves, with state officials even proposing to offer a $150
bounty to increase the killing.

And now even the Greater Yellowstone wolves could face this barbaric killing
as Idaho and Wyoming propose aerial gunning programs of their own. 

 <> We can stop
Alaska's aerial gunning dead in its tracks -- and prevent  the slaughter
from spreading to other states. Sign our Citizen Cosponsor petition urging
your Representative to support a bill that will stop Alaska's senseless

A conservation champion, Rep. George Miller (CA) will soon introduce
legislation  -- the Protecting America's Wildlife (PAW) Act -- to restrict
this awful practice. But his bill needs your support to win passage of this
wolf-saving measure. 

 <> We need you
to urge your Representative to become an original cosponsor of Rep. Miller's
legislation! Sign the Citizen Cosponsor petition today!

By signing on, you'll be joining tens of thousands of Americans who support
stopping Alaska's aerial gunning of wolves.

This summer, Defenders Action Fund advocates will hand-deliver the petition
to your Member of Congress, sending a powerful message on behalf of our
wolves.  <>
Your action today can make a powerful difference in stopping Alaska's brutal
policy -- and preventing if from spreading elsewhere.

Congress must put an end to barbaric aerial gunning of wolves in Alaska --
and stop it before it spreads to threaten our Yellowstone wolves.
<> You can help
ensure the passage of this important legislation -- sign the Citizen
Cosponsor petition today! 

 Rodger Schlickeisen, President
 Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund       


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Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to
Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying,
issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws
and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against
those that do them harm.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at: 
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at
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authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.   


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