Long story short....

Been home only 1 year.? Have had 3 U.T.I 'S?within the first 3 months home and 
was overwhelmed with everything.? Was not in control of my care at that time.? 
The doc wrote me a script and I just did what he said. I am sure you all 
remember those days??? ?I need not say any more.

I am positive I have a U.T.I? and do not need to visit my doc. just to tell me 
" sounds like you have an U.T.I."????I am voiding often and have had 1 bladder 
accident today (christened my new cushion).....

When I call what should I say or what questions should? I ask him, any advice 
would be soooo very much appreciated!!!!!!!!?? 

You guys are great!!!!

1 yr. post
While having a seizure fell down 3 steps and landed on my neck
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