Well all the Doctors tell us never do nothing unless symptomatic---------And 
that makes perfect sense,  why would a person seek treatment without 
symptoms-----I have about 3 constant bacteria types almost always and feel 
great. I only get a culture or try to get help when having bad problems.        

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I have a SP and my primary says that with any 
type of artificial opening 
into your bladder you'll ALWAYS have bugs growing there so it would be a 
losing cause to treat them - unless they are giving you symptoms. 
However, since we have so many different kinds of bugs growing the docs 
just try one of the broad spectrum antibiotics. If that one doesn't 
work, he tries another. So, I agree with John. Unless you're 
symptomatic, don't worry about it and don't be too concerned about which 
bug is causing your symptoms since there are so many growing there it 
might not be the one you're thinking of that is giving you trouble.

Dan V

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