I was just joking saying that lori n wheels, Nobody has ever offended me. You 
and wheels ask questions. I'm on more narcotics these days and If I'm hard to 
understand, I appreciate y'all saying something. Never think you've offended 
me. You've merely caused me to go back and see how goofy I got. :-D

Prayers and best wishes always,

----- Original Message ----
From: Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:15:44 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] controlling backflow

Hey John...
I do not ever remember implying that you should be on a different e-mail list. 
Many, many folks feel that way about me too. LOL
I learned way back in 1995 that even though Internet communication is great... 
toes get stepped on so very easily.
You do not sound very cracked to me. Just for the record. :-)
C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ

It is ok to say I'm cracked. I know Lori and Wheels both think I should be on a 
different e mail list, I can't find [EMAIL PROTECTED], :-). I know you are all 
smart and well educated in the handling of the urinary equipment. I just saw 
that one guy and had a thought. I will now let it die of loneliness. 
By the way, months ago someone was asking about a larger night time collection 
system. I think I found it at 
It holds a freakin gallon. Looks easier to handle than hooking up 2litre bags 
to each other, too. 
Wishing you all the best,
----- Original Message ----
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 1:58:32 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] controlling backflow 
I guess I wasn't making myself clear. I know the bags do not backflow. The line 
from the catheter to the bag does backflow. I was watching a nurse at a 
hospital where I volunteer one day a week and the patient was in a coma. She 
lifted the bad up right high and walked around the bed. As she did, the line to 
the bag emptied back into the patient who also had a supra pubic catheter. I 
didn't say anything to her because as a volunteer I'm just barely tolerated. He 
was being turned every two hours and treated for recurring UTI's. I did begin 
thinking of many of you and if your lines drain back to you when you move 
about. I'm not saying clamp your catheter and leave it clamped. Only clamp it 
untill you finish turning then unclamp it. I'm not thinking it takes more than 
a few minutes before unclamping. 
As far as family members wanting rid of you, or sending you to a nursing home, 
contact your local Center for Independant Living. There are specially designed 
apartments in most communities. You will need to contact a local agency or hire 
your own aides. Even good nursing homes suck. I've been in and out of a few. 
I'd rather live on my own, although I seem to have a regular stream of family 
members and neighbors coming through. The family members that insisted I live 
in a nursing home don't come around much. It works out pretty good since I 
can't tolerate drunks and theives, either. 
Trust me, you will enjoy living alone. The moment everyone thinks your alone 
they begin calling and visiting. i'm sitting here wondering what I'm going to 
do with all the food that has been dropped off. theres an entire apple pie and 
a meatloaf. I sure hope my aide is hungry when she gets here. 

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