I would love to have a bed next to my boysfriends bed. Side by side would be 
nice. But it would be nice if we had matching beds...even a second bed that 
could raise to the same level as his. I love to hear him breath and just to be 
able to touch him. Sleeping with him makes it hard for him. It causes him to 
have spasms every time I move and it wakes him up. Would be nice just to be 
near him. Maybe I can convince him to remodel.

Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am able to hide most all of my medical stuff in our walk-in 
closet--fortunately!  Especially being female and wanting a bedroom to look 
like a bedroom and somewhat decorative as much as possible. 
  But there are just things that we use every day and since my husband wants 
them all within hands reach (and most of all he is my savior who has saved me 
so many times regarding skin problems, avoiding me getting hurt by doing 
certain things himself rather than leaving them to an aide, etc. etc. etc.) 
there are numerous tubes of this, sprays of that, underpads and other things 
that just sit atop one of our chest of drawers and I am a shelf of a bookshelf. 
  I also wish I could get into a normal bed (ESPCIALLY with my husband with his 
bed being right next to my hospital bed!)  but my morning and evening care 
absolutely requires a hospital bed for not only the aides but for my husband as 
well when he helps me 97% of the time!  Believe me... I know my body best after 
28 years and my husband being an engineer... so it is not conducive at this 
  Our goal is to move into our own home with a very large bedroom whereby I can 
have my hospital bed in it and we can have a king-sized bed in it and then have 
ceiling lifts installed.  Haven't found the right house in the right location 
at the right price but we look daily! 
  You, Quadius, have much more independence than I do so enjoy it!  You and I 
talk off list on occasion so I see we have one other thing in common!  Or at 
least hopes for these things.

C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ 
  Quadius wrote:
    "Medical.  My bedroom looks like a medical nightmare.  I wish I could go to 
a normal bed, but it would be too hard on my PCA's.  Not to mention that I love 
the freedom to be able to move my head up and down with the use of my ECU.  I 
have come up with a way to take my medication in the morning by raising my head 
up and pulling down a film container which has my medication in it.  I just 
don't want to lose my independence. 
  I definitely would like to have a bed someone could lay on with me.

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