Thankfully, for some reason, my upper chest and arms are better today
(less pain, heaviness, numbness, and weakness, and I don't feel so weak
overall.  Right arm still has some numbness and weakness, but that's been
standard for a while, and it's not nearly as bad as the past two days.) 
Yesterday was really scary - the arms were extremely painful, and I could
barely move them, and it got more difficult as the day went on.  I really
feared I'd wake up today with no arm use at all.   I went to bed at 7:00,
because I couldn't really type any more, and could barely control my chair
- unless I'm sick or the catheter blows, I never go to bed before I go in
for the night at 10:00, no matter how bad pains are.  To explain the
difference between yesterday and "normal," when I'm in bed, I do movements
of my arms in sets of 20 (that's sets, plural, for some moves, like
rotator cuff.)  Yesterday, I tried to do them after I lay down.  By the
fifth move, I had to stop - I couldn't do them.  Today, I got full sets
done, and into second sets, and I'm pretty much having only the usual
difficulties using my arms - upper back pain, poor balance and posture,
and popping scapulas.

What could cause this?  Deficiency in some vitamin or mineral involved in
nerve conduction or muscle movement? The inner arm pains definitely felt
like the central pain - the skin and muscles pulled when I moved, and all
the sensations felt like the rest of my body.  They came on so fast!  I'm
not taking any new meds, and I am eating (not much, but that's normal for
me, and I have my Boost Plus and multivitamin daily.)  I don't think
effects of a syrinx would come on that fast, and I doubt they'd get better
by themselves.  Anyhoo, I'm much better physically and emotionally today. 



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