The 19-year-old girl on the Dr. Phil show had the community based MRSA the same 
as I had and I was not "terribly, terribly sick" either.  I could have 
potentially got that way just as Dr. Phil was worried about this girl and being 
treated sooner than she was being treated.  My aunt (who I believe gave me the 
community-based MRSA had the same big swelling bumps under her armpits and then 
later on her stomach and was never very sick or close to death either.  It CAN 
be treated and is curable.  I think it depends on how you contracted it, how 
well your immune system is, and how long you let it go without being treated 
that depends on how you respond to the antibiotics they are giving people for 
this superbug.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 2:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] the show today on Dr. Phil about superbug scare

  We do not watch Dr. Phil anymore.  Haven't for two years.  Prior to that he 
had a great show going on but then he turned sensationalistic.  And there are 
commercials every six minutes.

  BUT I remembered getting a notice from his website and that THAT topic (MRSA) 
would be covered with individuals with first-hand experience.  Dr. Phil said 
that he did not want to sensationalize it but he did not want to trivialize it 
either.  In our opinion... he did sensationalize it.  

  But, besides that and for those who did not watch it ... MRSA is 85% of 
hospital acquired (I added the 5%) and 15% community acquired.  Which is 
exactly why I stay out of hospitals!

  Further, we really don't think the blonde girl was diagnosed correctly.  MRSA 
makes you terribly, terribly sick or kills you with any few days.  She probably 
DOES have some sort of infection going but we highly doubt that it is MRSA.  
She certainly would not be looking that well or going for so long without being 
horribly sick.

  Just our humble opinion.  But acquiring methicillin-resistant staph aureus is 
pretty much a death sentence.  But we and/or the doctors have done that to 
ourselves over the last xx number of years.

  Keeping everything as clean as possible?  Bleach will kill just about 
anything and that is why I have turned to using that for the last 20 years or 
so.  There is not a product out there that will kill like bleach does.  
Companies like to (LOVE TO) advertise that their product is a super safeguard 
but, hey, it makes them a buck.

  Lori Michaelson
  Age - 43
  C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
  Tucson, AZ

  On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 9:14 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    The Cleanse Lightâ„¢ Portable Ultraviolet Sanitizer kills up to 99.99% of 
Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Mold and Dust Mites on household surfaces, bedding 
and clothing is perfect for Home, Business & Travel usage.  59.95 is out of 
stock that will be available in four to six weeks.

    The doctors also said that the germicide gel is also good, although does 
not get rid of dirt and using Lysol to spray everything down.  A light seems 
like a good idea, if you have someone that we use.
    It seems especially good for use during this cold and flu season.

    Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

  C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
  Tucson, AZ 

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