Today, marks three years since I experienced that terrible  pain in my neck 
and arm that made me know, that my life would be changed for  ever.  That was 
the day,  that I became a quadriplegic due to  Transverse Myelitis.  Three 
years ago this day, about this time.  I  was being rushed to the emergency room 
St. Paul, Minnesota with sudden  paralysis of my arms and legs (I thought).  
I later found that I was  paralyzed from the neck down.
This whole ordeal was extremely frightening for me and my  husband, because 
we were out of town and not sure how we were going to get back  home.  We were 
later flown back in a life flight jet, to the University of  Michigan Hospital 
in Ann Arbor Michigan, were I spent a while in intensive care,  on a 
I spent three months in the University of Michigan Hospital,  after which I 
went to a nursing facility for extended rehab.  After the  rehab.  I went back 
into the hospital to have my Baclofen pump put  in.  I received a short period 
of rehab after the surgery.
After one year and 23 days, I returned home, where I have been  since.  Being 
at home has been a struggle for me because I need 24 hour  care, but cannot 
afford to pay someone to be here around the clock.  My  mother has been here 
helping me out since I've been home, but she is elderly and  ill herself.  I am 
currently checking into assisted living  facilities.  I think this will be the 
best move for us all.
I really commend those of you who are able to stay home  alone.  If I just 
had use of my hands, it could be a whole different  situation, but my right 
is completely paralyzed, and I have limited use of  my left arm and hand 
(pretty much useless).  I have to contend with all of  the issues that a 
quadriplegic faces.  The only thing I haven't had to deal  with, (Praise God!)  
are the 
pressure sores.  I have not had to deal  with that.
Happy Birthday to all of the July babies!  


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

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