I am doing pretty good.  My therapy is going very  well.  I am getting a lot 
of stretching exercises per doctor's  orders.  I wasn't getting any stretching 
at home, and my muscles were very  tight.  I have also been working on, sit 
to stand exercises.  They are  also going very well.  
One of my goals was to be able to feed myself.  I have  been working on that 
and have been able to eat most meals without assistance,  yeah!  I had to have 
the maintenance guy sharpen a fork for me, so it will  be easier to stab my 
food in order to pick it up.  I have to be extra  careful, so I don't stab 
myself in the tongue while eating, LOL!
Thanks for thinking about me.  Keep me in your prayers.  


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

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